“NG Europe”, ist ein internationales Erasmusprojekt, das Führungskräfte, lokale Verantwortliche und Freiwillige dazu ermuntern soll, Sozial- und Umweltthemen aktiv wahrzunehmen. Es soll sie darin bestärken, positiv zu handeln. Das Projekt will einzelne Personen genauso wie Schlüsselakteure in NGOs dazu befähigen, in ihren lokalen Umgebungen Möglichkeiten zu schaffen, um ihren eigenen Einfluss auf den Schutz ihrer Umwelt zu erhöhen.
Das NGEurope Erasmus Trainingsprogramm will das durch folgende Schritte erreichen:
Inspiration zu umweltbewusster Gemeindeführung
Ermöglichung von Bildung und Training für umweltbewusste Führungskräfte in ihrer lokalen Umgebung
Befähigung von Organisationen, ihre lokale Umwelt zu schützen
NGEurope spricht Einzelpersonen und Gemeinden sowie Vereine und ähnliche Interessenszusammenschlüsse an, die sich mit grünem und sozialem Entrepreneurship auseinandersetzen, und hilft ihnen, ihre Ideen in erfolgreiche Unternehmungen umzusetzen, die wiederum die Kraft haben, als Katalysatoren für soziale und umweltorientierte Veränderung zu funktionieren.
Vom 22. bis 26.
Der letzte Trainingskurs, in dem unter anderem Führungsthemen behandelt werden, hat im November 2019 in Graz, Österreich stattgefunden.
“NGEurope is a great opportunity for those wanting to take action in their communities, but feeling alone, lost, or somehow afraid to fight for what they believe in! Join us, share, learn, find your peers, and… boom! Make it happen!"
“Managed effectively, our local environment has the potential to deliver significant tangible economic, social, health and wellbeing benefits to people for generations. There is increased threat to some of our most sensitive habitats, but managing that demand effectively will mitigate such risk. NG Europe will bring significantly more people into contact with the natural environment, creating opportunities for environmental education, raising awareness of our unique natural heritage and the duty for its continued protection and enhancement.”
“NGEurope project responds to the need of socially- and environmentally-conscious individuals, groups and organizations to interact and improve. It inspires everyone to take action that multiplies positive contribution to society.”
“The training course was enlightening in every aspect. The interaction with social entrepreneurs across Europe as well as the tools and techniques learned will definitely impact our future actions.”
"The NGEurope project offers opportunities for leadership development and for the exploration of skills and interests. Participants will enrich their own communities by forwarding the NGEurope spirit."
"NGEurope is a great way to learn about social entrepreneurship and to start thinking in innovative ways as well as taking actions. Moreover, I met a lot of very inspiring people and gained a feeling of connection and solidarity with other European citizens."
"The main achievement of the NGEurope project is to create a network of people from diverse contexts, cultures, different experiences and ideas. I took the course because of my interest in successfully launching change initiatives. I learned new information through the theoretical sessions and sharing knowledge and experience in the group discussions during the course. It is an intensive course, with a very good methodology to learn about new tools to become more proactive or an initiative taker in the search of starting and developing ideas to establish a nonprofit environmental organization that can transform your community."
"I really enjoyed the fact that I could be a trainee in NGEurope program. My experience beat any expectation that I had. Both the schedule and lessons were well organized and I was given a lot of good information. I was taught a lot about associative management. All trainers were amazingly well prepared and ready to answer any of our doubts, always with lots of sympathy.An enriching week that gave me tools for life."
"The NGeurope project was an excellent opportunity for my personal growth. I did not expect to experience a training course where I would leave my comfort zone and meet different realities of other nationalities on the topics of leadership and environment. Thanks to this experience I was able to learn the opportunities of the third sector in order to help local communities develop environmentally friendly solutions to their problems. Also, I was able to network with many NGO’s, not only in my country but also abroad.
Through the project’s immersion program, I was able to work in an international workcamp and meet even more people of different parts of the world. This International workcamp allowed me to work on my language skills but most importantly my leadership skills that I learned in the training course. Thank you NGeurope for the amazing experience!"
"Hello! My name is Verónica Belchior, I am a 24 years old biologist from the North of Portugal
I have been following Bioliving’s work from a long time and I was lucky enough to participate in the 5th NGEurope Training Course in Graz, Austria. Opportunities like these are unique in a life time: meeting like-minded young professionals that are eager to learn how to be more impactful in their communities.
As a NGEurope participant, I did a job shadowing experience in Smart Waste Portugal Association, which lead me to understand how to implement Circular Economy initiatives In Portugal, together with cross value chain stakeholders.
I would highly recommend this experience to everyone! It is very important to travel, get to know other organizations, people, cultures and absorb new ways of thinking and doing things in the community. Thank you so much!
NGEurope: Stärkung des sozialen Zusammenhalts in Europa durch Anregung zu positiver Führung und Veränderung durch NGOs