Fundación Privada Empresa y Clima

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Έτος Ίδρυσης

Calle Mallorca, 277 4º A  08037 Barcelona

Αριθμός Μελών
Πλήρους απασχόλησης
Μερικής απασχόλησης
Δέχεστε ασκούμενους
Πεδίο παρέμβασης
Περιβαλλοντική Ευαισθητοποίηση
Κλιματική Αλλαγή
Περιβαλλοντική Δράση
Περιβαλλοντική Εκπαίδευση
Κύριοι Μηχανισμοί Χρηματοδότησης
Ευρωπαϊκά έργα/επιχορηγήσεις
Κυβερνητικές (εθνικές ή τοπικές) επιχορηγήσεις ή επιδοτήσεις
Ιδιωτικές δωρεές
Συνδρομές μελών
Παροχή υπηρεσιών
Επίπεδο Αντίκτυπου

Climate change is a risk for our society and economy, but also an opportunity for companies to innovate, lead and do business.

Companies are key in this fight and they assume every day, more important commitments.


The FEC helps them plan and invest in a low-carbon economy, promoting mitigation strategies and strengthening their capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change.

The FEC represents companies of all sizes and sectors, leaders and benchmarks for integrating into their DNA policies that drive climate action.


Mission Statement

To offer support to all companies so that they have the appropriate information and tools to face the commitments and challenges implied by climate change.



To be the business and multisectorial benchmark for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.



  • Transparency
  • Liability
  • Commitment
  • Sustainability
  • Innovation
  • Vocation of Service
  • Cooperation
  • Leadership


The Strategic Lines of the FEC are:

  1. Identify and develop business opportunities derived from the fight against climate change.
  2. Disseminate good business practices aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change through projects.
  3. Motivate companies and create opportunities to innovate and generate profit through sustainable products and services.
  4. Develop guidelines and programmes to guide the business actions needed to improve efficiency in reducing emissions.
  5. To be a forum for debate and a meeting point for the business world, providing information and multidisciplinary advice.
  6. To be present in the Climate negotiations as an Observer of the United Nations, accrediting and accompanying companies.


The Empresa & Clima Foundation has a team of people who bring together experience and knowledge to develop each of the projects they undertake from their strategic definition to their implementation, bringing together not only the operational and technical vision, but above all, the illusion necessary to obtain optimum results.

At the moment we do not have any active projects and we are only subcontracted to do work in a Life Clinomics and a Life Climark projects.

In the 10 years of existence of the Foundation we have developed and closed 24 projects, both nationally and internationally, of which the following six would stand out:

  • Project "Creation and start up of the Subproducts Exchange in El Salvador". As an important result to say that almost 8 years later continues working and growing the Stock Exchange of By-products in El Salvador.
  • Proposal of global indicators for the evaluation of the effects of Climate Change in the Euroregion Pirineos Mediterranea for the improvement of competitiveness and efficiency of the tourism sector. It was developed in four French and Spanish communities and the results helped a lot in the future decision making of the tourism sector.
  • " Training for urban waste management in the state of Paraiba (Brazil)". In this state there was neither awareness nor facilities to treat any type of waste, there is undoubtedly a before and after of this project.
  • " Technical assistance for the elaboration of the Plan for the Management of the Organic Fraction of Waste in Pica (Chile) through composting and the definition of guidelines for the management of the organic fraction of waste". This project included the development of a pilot test in the Tarapacá region.
  • " Definition of a replicable methodology to solve inefficiencies in the distribution of drinking water in Arequipa (Peru)".
  • " Fostering the transparency of knowledge to promote adaptation to the effects of Climate Change in the vineyard sector". Under the same title, two projects have been developed in two consecutive years, the first in regions of Spain and France and the second in four Spanish Autonomous Communities.

Since our inception we work very closely for and by companies in any business sector. In addition, with the different local administrations, of the Autonomous Communities and of course with the Ministry of Environment and Ecological Transition.

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