Fundación Aldaba (Proyecto Hombre Valladolid)

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Έτος Ίδρυσης
Castilla y León

C/ Linares 15, 47010 Valladolid

Αριθμός Μελών
Πλήρους απασχόλησης
Μερικής απασχόλησης
Δέχεστε ασκούμενους
Πεδίο παρέμβασης
Κοινωνική Επιχείρηση
Κοινωνική Ενσωμάτωση
Υγεία και Ευεξία
Κύριοι Μηχανισμοί Χρηματοδότησης
Ευρωπαϊκά έργα/επιχορηγήσεις
Κυβερνητικές (εθνικές ή τοπικές) επιχορηγήσεις ή επιδοτήσεις
Ιδιωτικές δωρεές
Παροχή υπηρεσιών
Επίπεδο Αντίκτυπου

Fundación Aldaba- Proyecto Hombre was created in 1995 in the city of Valladolid with the aim of promoting the defence of people from any condition in the face of marginalisation, especially drug addiction. In the first years of operation, the activity of the entity was focused on direct attention to men and women affected by drug addiction through a therapeutic programme, enabling their social reintegration. Subsequently, prevention work was carried out in the areas of risk of drug addiction. In the first years, the intervention with drug-dependent women or those in a situation of exclusion was proposed as a transversal line of intervention in all our resources.

Throughout these years, a response has been given to the needs of men and women at risk of exclusion and in a situation of special vulnerability, with problems such as drug abuse and dependence, poverty, unemployment, violence, judicial problems and recently mental illness. To this end, different resources and programmes have been set up, up to the present day where we would like to highlight:

Therapeutic Programs :
- Therapeutic orientation service.
- Residential and outpatient treatment program.
- Intrapenitentiary Programs.
- Family Intervention.

Drug Addiction Prevention Programs:
- Prevention programmes with young people.
- Prevention programmes for the family.
- Training of professionals and social mediators.
- Information and awareness activities.

Our entity is registered in the Junta de Castilla León (Register 47/102-CL)

The main means are:

1.- Social, educational and socio-health centres, services and programmes aimed at people in particular difficulty, focused on improving their quality of life.
2.- Scientific and technical knowledge in relation to the reality of the social problems to which they respond, and possible alternatives to alleviate and attend to them.
3.- Actions aimed at informing, training and raising the awareness of society in general with regard to the different realities with which we work.
4.- Any other action that contributes to improving the quality of life of people at risk of exclusion and/or special vulnerability


We are a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, social workers, educators, and law and business graduates. A team of accredited professionals with proven experience in the social and health sector, with a strong social commitment. The essential elements of our methodology are developed around five words:

  • Person: commitment to the person, identification of his/her demand and co-responsibility in the change
  • Family: active family bonding in the process.
  • Therapeutic optimism: you can live differently, beyond your history, things can be different.
  • Personalised intervention plan: active techniques and psychological strategies adapted to each need.
  • Group: group psychotherapeutic intervention is one of the fundamental instruments of change.


  • Residential and outpatient treatment program for drug addicts
  • Insola: social and occupational integration for drug addicts
  • Project Youth.
  • Rehabilitation of persons deprived of their liberty with drug dependency problems.
  • Programme for the prevention of drug dependence in the family and community in risk areas of Valladolid and province
  • Eirene: prevention and intervention of philo-parental violence
  • Socio-educational intervention with young people in the Pisuerga area of Valladolid.
  • Frida: programme for the treatment of drug addiction in women
  • Programme for the care of former drug-addicted prisoners to continue with the process of uninhabitation initiated in prison
  • Comprehensive care for drug addicts with comorbid mental disorders and psycho-educational intervention with family members
  • Promotion of volunteerism in the population at risk
  • Prima-ma: psycho-social intervention programme with aggressors, convicted by virtue of a court sentence for gender violence.


Our programs are of continuity, so we refer to the above mentioned

  • Association (state) Proyecto Hombre
  • FSE
  • Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare
  • Regional Commissioner for Drugs (Junta de Castilla y León)
  • Valladolid Provincial Council
  • Valladolid City Council
  • Iberdrola Foundation, Obra Social la Caixa.
  • Penitentiary Center of Valladolid and Penitentiary Center of Dueñas (Palencia)
  • Provincial Council for the Protection of Children.
  • Social and labour integration group of the territorial department of Valladolid of the Junta de Castilla y León
  • Valladolid platform for volunteers.


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