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5 NGEurope Engagement-Seminar in Graz (Österreich)

  • Jan 23, 20

Der letzte Trainingskurs, in dem unter anderem Führungsthemen behandelt werden, hat im November 2019 in Graz, Österreich stattgefunden. In der ersten Sitzung des Seminars, die an der Universität Graz stattfand, wurden die TeilnehmerInnen, die mit der Idee der europäischen Projektarbeit eher neu vertraut waren, in NGEurope eingeführt und über den Trainingskurs und alle anderen im Projekt erstellten Materialien informiert. Die meisten TeilnehmerInnen kamen aus dem pädagogischen Bereich und zeigten Interesse an den Methoden des NGEurope Trainingskurses.



5th NGEurope Engagement Seminar in Graz (Austria)

  • Jan 23, 20

Ahead of the project’s last edition of the training course, a leadership seminar was held in November 2019 in Graz, Austria. In the seminar’s first session, which took place at the University of Graz, participants, who were rather new to the idea of European project work, were introduced to NGEurope and learned about the training course and all other materials produced in the project. Most participants came from a pedagogical background and expressed interest in the methods used in the NGEurope training course.



“NGO Leadership” Seminar

  • Jun 05, 19

Leave No Trace Ireland, the Irish partner in the NGEurope programme hosted a seminar on April 11/12th  2019. The seminar was held in the Green Campus, in GMIT, Castlebar, Co Mayo. in the west of Ireland. The seminar titled ‘NGO Leadership’ promoted best practice of local and national NGO’s with 6 NGO’s sharing their stories. The NGO’s ranged from the very structured with employees to individuals working on their own with no official structure.

2ο  Σεμινάριο Συμμετοχής

2ο Σεμινάριο Συμμετοχής

  • Sep 30, 18


Το Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, ο εταίρος από την Ελλάδα στο έργο NGEurope Erasmus+, φιλοξένησε το 2ο  Σεμινάριο Συμμετοχής στις 19-20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018 στις νέες εγκαταστάσεις του. Σκοπός του σεμιναρίου με τίτλο: «Ενεργοί Πολίτες – Ευημερία Κοινοτήτων» ήταν η παρουσίαση του έργου σε ενεργούς πολίτες με σκοπό να προάγει βέλτιστες πρακτικές τοπικών και εθνικών ΜΚΟ.

2nd Engagement Seminar NGEurope in Greece

2nd Engagement Seminar NGEurope in Greece

  • Sep 30, 18

Athens University of Economics and Business, the Greek partner in the NGEurope project (Erasmus+), hosted the 2nd Engagement Seminar on September 19-20th 2018, in its new premises. The seminar titled: “Active Citizens-Thriving Communities” aimed at introducing the project to active citizens and promoting best practices of local and national NGOs.


First NGEurope training course

  • Jul 06, 18

The NGEurope partners are getting ready for the project's first training course, which will take place in Lousada, Portugal, starting at the end if this week. Trainers from Greece, Ireland and Portugal will train international participants in many NGO related topics.

Program 07/06/2018 - 07/10/2018.

First Multiplier Event of the NGEurope project

NGEurope promotes good practices in social and environmental NGOs

  • May 31, 18

On the 25th and 26th of May, the first Multiplier Event of the NGEurope project was held in Lousada. The seminar titled “Civic and Associative Action” aimed to present examples of good environmental and social NGOs in Portugal. The invited NGOs shared not only the work they do, but also a little of their history, motivations, difficulties felt along the way, opportunities created their work and, of course, the impact on their communities.


Lousada BioLiving Leave no trace Cesefor Play Solutions ENTER Athens University

Über NGEurope

NGEurope: Stärkung des sozialen Zusammenhalts in Europa durch Anregung zu positiver Führung und Veränderung durch NGOs

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