Continuing with the planned programming of the NGEurope project "Active citizens. Thriving Communities" on 14 and 15 March was held in Soria the Technical Seminar: Management and governance of foundations in the forestry and environmental sector. The headquarters of the Cesefor Foundation, located in Soria, brought together Eduardo de Miguel, managing director of the Global Nature Foundation; Elvira Carles, director of the Empresa y Clima Foundation; Roberto Lozano, president of the Oxígeno Foundation and president of the Association of Foundations for the Conservation of Nature; José Antonio Lucas, head of the Territorial Environmental Service of the Junta de Castilla y León; Antonio Martín, from the Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León Foundation; Pablo Sabín, director of the Cesefor Foundation and Pedro M. Herrera, from Entretantos Foundation. All of them presented the current panorama in Spain of the Foundations in reference to their management, financing and other aspects involved in their governability.
This was followed by a round table and two workshops: one on "Project funding in private and public foundations" and another on " Foundations' activities and their communication to the sector".
The seminar concluded with a technical visit to the Natural Monument of La Fuentona, where the sustainable tourism activities of this emblematic place in Soria were explained, as well as to the El Amogable Forest Classroom, where the Sustainable Forest Management and the research carried out on non-timber products and the public use of forests were presented.
Among the participants in this Seminar are technicians, managers or staff from the Oso Pardo Foundation, the Valladolid Forestry Association, Agresta S.Coop., the Virgen del Camino de Familiares de Personas con Enfermedad Mental Association (ASOVICA) , the International Centre for Environmental Law Studies (CIEDA), the Foundation for Research in Ethology, the Observatory of Environmental Policies, the Montes de Soria Association, the University of Valladolid, the political group Podemos and other people interested in journalism, the forestry sector and the environment.