Castlebar Street, Westport,
Co. Mayo
As increasing numbers of people seek the beauty and exhilaration of outdoor travel and recreation, our collective mark on the environment and its natural processes increases. Litter, water pollution, disturbance of vegetation, wildlife, livestock and other people are all indicators of the need to develop a national ethic that protects both natural and cultural heritage. Techniques designed to minimise the environmental and social impacts in these areas are incorporated in and promoted by the national Leave No Trace education programme
We have a small core team based in our office in Westport, Co Mayo supported by over 750 trainers who deliver environmental education workshops, course and events throughout Ireland.
Certified Awareness Course, Trainer course, Primary School Leave No Trace Champions Programme, River Explorer Programme, Corporate Volunteering, Restoration projects
Imprint+, Blueway Brainwaves
We work in partnerships with all the Local Authorities throughout the island, our members, other NGO’s
Yes and yes
NGEurope: Stärkung des sozialen Zusammenhalts in Europa durch Anregung zu positiver Führung und Veränderung durch NGOs