Jugend am Werk Steiermark

Usted está aquí

Año de Fundación

Lendplatz 35, 8020 Graz


Correo electrónico
Número de miembros
A tiempo completo
A tiempo parcial
Acepta internos
Área de Intervención
Iniciativa social
Inclusión social
Salud y Bienestar
Participación comunitaria
Apoyo a los productores y empresas locales
Principales mecanismos de financiación
Proyectos europeos/subvenciones
Subvenciones o subsidios gubernamentales (nacionales o locales)
Donaciones privadas
Cuotas de afiliación
Recaudación de fondos o crowdfunding
Prestación de servicios
Nivel de Impacto

Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH is among the leading providers of social services in the Province of Styria. The 76 facilities, which are organised in 25 branches, seek to improve the lives of the people in their immediate environment and to assist them with relevant offers and services, especially in difficult phases of their lives. Together with our customers, we demonstrate new approaches, activate existing resources and develop opportunities while never losing track of the individuality of the people and their environments - with all their needs and desires: That is the attitude, which is also reflected in the work and actions of Jugend am Werk.

As a non-profit enterprise we do not pursue profit-making. Our success is measured in terms of how satisfied the people are who use our services and to what extent their life realities can be improved in terms of equal opportunities.


Our mission:

  • We are committed to equal opportunities for our customers in society.
  • Our clients are children, adolescents and adults who need support in their professional, social and personal lives.
  • We develop and adapt our wide range of services to suit the individual needs of our customers.
  • For our clients, we are an innovative and professional partner they can rely on at all times.
  • We live partnerships with our clients and always treat them empathetically and with personal esteem.

Various types of support for children, youth and families, people looking for work, people with disabilities, refugees; EU projects (e.g. PROMOVET and DITOGA); various small innovative projects (e.g. youth centres, streetwork).

Among others: AMS Styria, Region of Styria, City of Graz, Ministries, GKK Styria, Licht ins Dunkel, Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur, bfi Styria, Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung, Beschäftigungsbetriebe Steiermark

Individuos con discapacidades
Niños y niñas
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