The second training course of the NGEurope project was hosted in Athens, Greece, from November 27th to December 1st, 2018. Twenty participants, twelve from Greece and eight from four European countries (Austria, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain) came together to learn and exchange ideas and experiences. The trainers used their know-how to maximize the expected learning outcomes. More specifically, they explained tools for creating, managing and supporting NGOs. They aimed at cultivating an entrepreneurial mind-set to advance the trainees’ knowledge about social and green NGOs. All trainees were highly motivated and had several opportunities to take active roles through group-based exercises, presentations and role-playing. A one-day workshop allowed trainees to interact and emphasize personality traits in terms of balancing skills and fears.
The following topics were covered during the 5-day training course:
- Day 1. Field visit in the Impact Hub Athens.
- Day 2. Introducing the basics of social and green NGOs
- Day 3. Tools for creating, managing and supporting NGOs
- Day 4. Balancing personality traits and workshop on skills development
- Day 5. Assessment and feedback