Siel Bleu Ireland

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All Island

18 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

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Gesundheit & Wellness
Einbindung der Gemeinschaft
Die Finanzierung erfolgt hauptsächlich
Private Spenden

Siel Bleu Ireland is the first specific effort to promote exercise among older adults and patient groups in Ireland, with the aim of improving overall wellbeing. We design our programmes with a preventive approach that benefits all adults, at any age, and at any stage of their lives. We promote the autonomy and wellbeing of older people and people with chronic disease, ensuring that everyone has the capacity and self-confidence necessary to live an independent and happy life.


Our vision is to create a society where older adults can experience the benefits of physical activity, irrespective of social, cultural or economic background.


Siel Bleu Ireland aim to provide affordable and accessible exercise programmes for all members of Irelands older population irrespective of their level of ability or physical health


Siel Bleu Ireland is on the journey towards full adherence with the governance code; A Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland. About the team:

When we Started

Siel Bleu Ireland was founded in Ireland September 2010 as part of an Ashoka Changemakers initiative, starting off with three classes per week. Siel Bleu Ireland now delivers services to over 6000 people per week

How we are Funded

Siel Bleu Ireland charge a fee for the delivery of our services. In 2018, 91% of our overall revenue came from revenue for the delivery of services. We also receive grant funding from  corporate partners and private foundations.


Siel Bleu Ireland is a Company Limited by Guarantee (Company No: 488914c) with charitable status (Charity Number CHY19489). The registered office is 18 Eustace St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.

Our team is what makes Siel Bleu Ireland really special. All our Trainers have at a minimum a degree in Sports Science or a related field to ensure they can safely lead each class. Each Physical Trainer is trained to the Siel Bleu standards, which encompass over 20 years of delivering life enhancing exercise programmes to older adults. Their education and training ensure they understand participants’ physical conditions and are aware of how to tailor the exercise programmes to get the maximum benefit for each participant. We ensure our team are empathetic and kind, with the motivation to help older adults improve their lives through exercise. Our entire team is Garda Vetted and insured.

Siel Bleu is a programme of chair exercises which can be done by mobile as well as physically immobile people. It offers an opportunity for people to come together in a group activity and to participate in a friendly atmosphere (that) we find lifts their spirits.


Exercise, COPD and ME

Exercises for Shedders

Living well with Dementia

Stroke Survivor



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Exercise, COPD and ME

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