Fundación Entretantos

Είστε εδώ

Έτος Ίδρυσης
Castile and León

C/Arzobispo José Delicado 1, 47014 Valladolid

Αριθμός Μελών
Πλήρους απασχόλησης
Μερικής απασχόλησης
Δέχεστε ασκούμενους
Πεδίο παρέμβασης
Περιβαλλοντική Ευαισθητοποίηση
Κλιματική Αλλαγή
Περιβαλλοντική Δράση
Υγεία και Ευεξία
Συμμετοχή της Κοινότητας
Υποστήριξη τοπικών παραγωγών/επιχειρήσεων
Ευαισθητοποίηση Καταναλωτών
Αξιοποίηση Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς
Περιβαλλοντική Εκπαίδευση
Κύριοι Μηχανισμοί Χρηματοδότησης
Ευρωπαϊκά έργα/επιχορηγήσεις
Κυβερνητικές (εθνικές ή τοπικές) επιχορηγήσεις ή επιδοτήσεις
Παροχή υπηρεσιών
Επίπεδο Αντίκτυπου

The Entretantos Foundation is a non-profit entity created from a group of companies and professionals who have in common their commitment to citizen participation as a tool for collective construction and decision-making on common issues and public policies.

Its origin can be found in the professional fabric generated parallel to the implementation of different participatory processes of planning and management of the environment deployed in the first decade of SXXI, especially in Castilla y León, although currently their links have extended to Extremadura, Cantabria, Galicia and also other European countries.

In addition to the growing interest in social participation strategies and the collective construction of policies, there is also the need for institutions or centres that can serve as a reference in terms of the quality of the processes or the necessary training for their promoters. Faced with this situation, in the meantime it emerged as an entity capable of meeting these needs and becoming a reference point for the incorporation of citizen participation in democratic policies and institutions, seeking to lay the foundations for the generalisation of this type of process as a basic tool for planning, management and collective creation.

Thus, in the meantime we are committed to continue exploring, researching and developing innovative projects, new methodologies, working tools and ways of doing things, deepening the development of processes in which participation, collaboration, deliberation and collective construction are the key elements.

Consistent with this, training and communication are essential axes of our work, with the aim of extending the importance of these tools and the need to work together to improve the way in which we collectively manage the territory and relate to the environment.

Our team combines different profiles related to areas such as community participation, local dynamization of agroecological systems, research in extensive livestock and systems of high natural value, geodiversity and the protection of communal models of resource management.

For more information, see

- Technical Secretariat of the Network of Cities for Agroecology

- Facilitation of Livestock in Network

- Dynamization and secretariat of the Platform for Extensive Livestock and Pastoralism

- Food Strategy for Valladolid, Zaragoza and Segovia

- LIFE Adapt Project (on livestock adaptation to climate change)

- Las Loras Geopark

- H2020 "HNV-Link" project on high nature value farming systems

- FP7 Project, AGFORWARD, on agroforestry systems

- Participation school laboratory, annual edition since 2013

- Courses and other training activities

- Member of Coalition #ForOtherPAC

- Association of Nature Conservation Foundations (AFN)

- Member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Τοπική κοινότητα
Έχετε φιλοξενήσει στο παρελθόν ασκούμενο; Έχει αυτή τη δυνατότητα ο οργανισμός σας;

We have not done so, and we do not currently have the resources to carry out adequate accompaniment work.


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